Dream Quest records was established in 2008 when its creator, James MacFarlane, decided to go after his own dream. At the age of 50, James decided to set his sights on something he had wanted to do for a long time. He began by writing poetry and then coming up with his own melodies to the poems, but he was motivated to go a step further. He took his first song that would later be titled “Don’t Despair” into the recording studio. As the lyrics to the song say the “spirit beckoned his name” and called him to create the music he had wanted to for so long.
From there he spent time in recording studios in Philadelphia as well as New York, and worked with some seasoned veterans in the music industry to create his debut album “Sovereign Sound.” His influences for the music came from his Celtic background as he was born in Saint Andrews Scotland and emigrated to the U.S. in his early 20s. He has also been influenced by a great love of Classical music as well as Gregorian Chant and a love of Japanese culture through many trips there related to his work. The CD has an eclectic nature, which matches his personality and interests. The experience of making the CD and working with such talented and seasoned musicians was like a dream come true.
While in the process of creating his own CD, he also established the recording company Dream Quest Records. The purpose of this company was to help other musicians to realize their dreams. He wants to give budding artists a chance to have their songs heard by a larger audience to help them to make it in the music business. He wants to give them the same chance he was given. Because as Eleanor Roosevelt once said “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
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