A Unique Workshop Experience
Presented by DreamQuest Arts
(A Division of DreamQuest Records)
609-634-1388 | logatl@aol.com
@ Moore College of Art & Design
20th St. & the Parkway, Phila, PA 19120
Registration at 9:30 am – Program starts at 10:00 am
Reveal Your Inner Voice, Follow Your Inner Dreams
The Path To Gaining a Deep Understanding of Your Abilities and Potential
The InnerQuest Workshop is an inspiring, positive and fun weekend aimed at helping you remove your inner obstacles and unlock your inner potential by balancing your left and right brain functions.
We all ‘live’ within our conscious minds which are constantly chattering away with a million thoughts, from the mundane to the profound. “What should I have for dinner? What do others think of me? What should I do with my life?” This is our conscious mind or left brain trying to sort out the complex world we live in, keeping track and analyzing the vast amount of information our senses take in. This process happens so frequently that we can start to believe this is the limit of our existence.
Our subconscious mind or right brain is where our true power comes from but over time the stresses of life throw off this balance and we become left brain dominant. We lose touch with the awe inspiring power of our subconscious mind. By balancing our left brain with our right brain we can tap into the amazing potential of our subconscious mind. We can remove the beliefs we have about ourselves which keep us from achieving our dreams.
Many of us keep our true dreams hidden and protected from ourselves by burying them in our subconscious. How can we unlock these well guarded secrets where our hearts desire reside? The InnerQuest is all about removing all the obstacles that block us from realizing what we really want. The subconscious mind has the power to elevate your life far beyond what you can conceive with your conscious analytical mind.
The techniques and methods used in the InnerQuest are fun and inspiring!
Using music, singing and songwriting we will tap into inner dreams – no, you don’t have to actually BE a songwriter to do this exercise!
By enhancing our introspective capabilities, by delving into the inner depths of our own unique subconscious creativity and learning to face the true self that we yearn to be, no matter what life throws at us – we empower our very selves to be the most that we can be with all the satisfaction and accomplishment that can come your way!
“In a State of Being Where The Left And Right Brain Activity Are Balanced, You Can Free Yourself Of Self-Imposed Fears And Enter The Realm Of Enlightenment; The Place Where Your True Inner Voice Resides, The Realm Of The meditative state where peace, joy and happiness are experienced within your whole being – mind, body and soul.” Quote – Life Coach & Workshop Facilitator, Kumiko.
You can be part of one weekend that can change everything for you.